
Saturday 31 May 2014

Which are you?

Foto: Which are you? ;)

People and technology nowadays

Is technology making us antisocial? Discuss
(English Conversation Topic)

What do you think?

Every day - All day

Foto: The difference between EVERY DAY and ALL DAY in English 

And a game to practice the difference:

Telephone Phrasal Verbs

Foto: Using the phone involves many phrasal verbs.

Pronunciation Bites

Have a look at this facebook page. Click here.

Modals: examples and uses

Foto: #English online

The History of the English Language

Have a look at this infographic: The History of the English Language.

The History of the English Language

Math symbols


Schwa - The key to English pronunciation


Using a schwa can increase vowel accuracy by over 30%, it is the star of English speech, but most learners of English pronunciation have never heard of it and do not use it. This article aims to solve that with 4 simple questions ... Click here to read the article.

Both - Either - Neither


Collocations with TAKE


Every day - Everyday

Foto: The difference between EVERY DAY (two words) and EVERYDAY (one word) in English:

And a game to practice the difference:

Ways of saying approximately


Capital letters


Reported Speech

What is reported speech?
Reported speech is the form we use to speak about what others tell us. Think about your day with other friends, co-workers and family. It's quite common to tell others what someone else has told you. Here are a few examples:
Jane: Mary told me she was going to the mall this afternoon to buy some clothes. She said she wanted to get a new dress and a few other things.
Peter: Oh, maybe she'll see John. He told me he needed to stop in at computer store to get something fixed.

reported speech mind map

Have a look at these two websites: 

Friday 16 May 2014

Thank you!

Thank you for being such wonderful students! 

And remember that whatever I do, I always have my students in mind and all the assignments and work I give you are for your own good and never mine.

Thank you to all my students for a great year!


Exams are here. Don't panic and keep calm and study English.
You can do it well.

Watch this video performed by Turtle Lake Elementary School Fifth Grade Teachers

Good luck!